Hotel Statler: 1000 rooms, 1000 baths
The Statler in photos
The Men's Cafe
The Men's Cafe

Besides the Grill, one would also find the Men's Cafe on the Washington Blvd. side of the ground floor. This, in fact, was really a bar to which Grill patrons were meant to retire.

The Men's Cafe was described by a Detroit News columnist as being "One of the most beautiful, in simplicity of decoration of any room in the building". It matched the Grill's English decor with rich oak paneling. In the Edwardian Age for which they were created these rooms were meant to be male haunts though women were allowed. They were connected as a unit by a Men's Entrance and Foyer.

The Men's Cafe suffered the same fate as the Grill in 1937. Its paneling went to the ballroom floor while its space was given over to the Platinum Promenade and retail shops.


Copyright 2001, David Kohrman
Last updated on 11-14-01