Hotel Statler: 1000 rooms, 1000 baths
The Statler in photos
The Bagley Room
The Bagley Room

Just south of the larger Wayne Room was a smaller banquet hall. This was known as the Bagley Room. It was styled in the Italian manner.

The Bagley Room measured 41 by 50 feet and could seat 300 for meetings and 200 for banquets. Three large doors could be opened and thus the Bagley could serve as a 'spillover' room for the Wayne.

Sometime in the 1960's a large freight elevator was installed between the ballroom floor and the basement. This ran right through the south end of the Bagley. The room was thus cut down in size and redecorated. Mirrors covered the columns and a curtain hid the elevator.


Copyright 2001, David Kohrman
Last updated on 11-14-01